Wealth Stacks

Hubert Senters Gives His Expert Take On The Bond Market, Why He Likes Futures, His Sexiest Bond Trade & What He'd Do To Build Wealth If He Was Starting Over Today

Episode Notes

Wealth Stacks' Scott Marshall is joined by Legendary Bond Trader Hubert Senters to share his perspective on the Markets, Plus One of the BEST KEPT SECRETS ON WALL STREET that will knock down your commissions by 30-40% (14:35),  His Sexiest Bond Trade (17:15),  The main benefits of trading Bonds compared to other markets (21:13), His Biggest regret in Trading (22:49) & How to attend one of his Bond Bootcamps (37:02)

For More Information on Hubert visit www.HubertSenters.com


Episode Transcription


Scott 03:02

What's up world? Welcome to another episode of well, stacks. My name is Scott from Scotland. I gotta tell you, I am super excited about today's episode, because not only do I have one of my good friends, but I also have one of my business partners, Hubert centers on the show, he were saying, what some of the people?

Hubert 03:21 What's up people?

Scott 03:22

I love it. Um, so let me just first say this, right, like, not only am I excited, but I want to take his time. I don't think in today's world or society, we get to just say like, thank you and pay our homage. So what I want to say thank you for everything that you've done for me, especially with this last couple of years. And so yet again, what I'm really excited about this is I've had the pleasure of really get to know you a lot of this last couple of years, and what gets you to take and how your incredible brain works, but how you're able to simplify a lot of things. So I know you're going to drop some value on on these people today.

Hubert 04:03
Um, you actually think I'm smarter than I actually am. That's, that's, that's, that's sad.

Scott 04:08

See, that's what's so great about you, man. I'm telling you like, you don't even realize it. You just you come in from the back door and before you know you're like, Damn, I think Hubert just, he just blew my mind. I don't even realize what he said. But like, bam, you got me, and it's awesome. I don't

Hubert 04:23

think there's anything I look at. It's not on purpose. I mean, a lot of people think I pay to play the old country. Country hick from Kentucky. The number one I am from Kentucky. I am a hick. I'm a redneck I can call myself a redneck cuz I'm from Kentucky. I just try to keep things simple because all I've noticed that if you make it more complicated, I usually lose more money quicker when I make it complicated. If I keep it simple, I can understand it and probably other people can't do so it's easier to do that way.

Scott 04:49

Yeah, all right. So let's just let's just get into it right so the whole thing about well stacks and episode is I get the I get the pleasure of speaking to Some of my really cool friends like yourself that have been able to generate wealth, right? And, you know, when I get to pick people like yours brain, I started trying to figure out like, what is it that made them successful, it normally comes down to like this one thing that they just honed in got really good at, and they hacked it. And then they started building their wealth on top of that, on top of that, and on top of that, right. And so for you, like, what I will say this right, is, I think, just get to know you better, you have this incredible, like work ethic that I think goes back a long time. Maybe it's, you know, growing up in Kentucky the way that you did, but outside of just being able to grind like you're able to do. What was it for you that just clicked you like, Okay, I think I'm onto something here. Let me go and build upon this.

Hubert 05:46

I don't think I've got it all figured out. I think I'm always trying to still figure it out, right? Like, hey, is there a better, simpler, easy way to do this? I like keeping my mind super open, and really curious about all kinds of different businesses and investments and startups and stuff like that. So I dabble in a lot of stuff, just because I'm curious about it. I love when people say, follow your passion, like and I'm like, it's kind of, I don't like to say it's for losers, but heads up, my passion would be eating pizza, on the couch. I don't think there's a successful business model around that, that somebody's gonna pay me for, though, unless I'm a hot chick, and I'm making it right. I don't think that's a profitable business model for myself, because I'm a big white dude. And nobody wants to see me naked. But that's just how I approach everything. I just try to figure out an interest that I have and see if I can dig deeper in that interest. And then if I can, I can probably figure out how to make money with.

Scott 06:34

Yeah, that's awesome. I will say like, you know, a lot of a lot of my friends that, you know, one we either interviewed or got to know, I don't think there is diversified with their funds that you are right, because not only you know, you're successful inside of the business, online businesses that we've got together, you're successful as your own brand. As a trader, you trade inside the market as well. But then you invest into, you know, you're big into Angel invest in speak, like, how did you get like, what was your process for, for getting all those four diagrams? It's just trial and error. And then you kept stacking, like, what was that journey like for you?

Hubert 07:13

So it's trial and error, and it's been in the right place at the right time. But a lot of people say like, luck doesn't have anything to do with I think luck does have something to do with I think we all have about the same amount of luck. And you have to you have to strike while the iron is hot, right? I think we all have about the same metal If not, the harder you work, I think more opportunities come your way. Um, mine kind of always started from like, in college, when I was I was trying to figure out, I think I took like a Carl j given seminar or something like that with an Anthony Robbins seminar, when I was a sophomore in college was like, Oh, this is cool. And I was trying to figure out how to how to invest in mutual funds. And I put like $2,000 in a mutual fund that I didn't really have. And then I looked at it a year later, I'm like, Well, shit, it didn't do anything like this. This is stupid, why I could do something else with this money. So then I started looking at the business world. And I ran onto this mail order thing from Jay Abraham, which if y'all don't know about Jay RAM, he's a direct mail consultant and stuff like that. And I placed an order for this book called The secrets of Mr. X. And it was $495, of which I was in college, I did not have that I'm like, I'm gonna see what this is. And I highlighted almost every word for that thing. And it basically what it was, there was this guy that took Jay Abraham's all of his business philosophy and put them in one big 400 page book. And then he was going to sell it, but he didn't tell Jay about it, Jay got wind of it, caught him and said, Hey, we can do this one of two ways. Either, I'm going to sue you. And he's going to serve him with a cease and desist are suing. And or you can give me all the material will package it up. And we'll use this as the story to sell.

I'm like, Oh, that's Hubert 08:43

a cool way to like, turn lemons into lemonade. I was like, that's pretty interesting. The book was amazing, and taught me most of what I know about marketing. And then I would

start going to other businesses. I'm real curious, like, how much does that cost? Okay, where do you get your supply from? Like, when How do you incentivize your salespeople? Like, how do you follow up with your customers and stuff like that? And people like, Dude, why do you ask, why are you so nosy about my business? I'm like, dude, I'm just curious. I just, I just love business and trying to figure out how to improve businesses. I did that for half a dozen businesses. And I was like, shit, this is a business. I was like, I'm gonna start charging these people for anything that I improve, like, Hey, I can increase your, your cash flow or your revenue by 30%. I want a piece of that. So then I started doing that. And I was like, Okay, I'm gonna go into business for myself. So then I started up a quick lube on wheels, which is basically you haul a trailer around you change people's oil, either in their driveway, or if they had a fleet of vehicles, like I had contracts with hertz budget, Avis airport, all that good stuff. I was running some middleman markup stuff through a transmission shop. So oddly enough, people think if you can change oil, you're a mechanic, which I was not. I mean, I knew enough to be dangerous. We'd go on site and they're like, we got this forklift, can you change oil? And I'm like, Well, sure. I can't, it's got

a drain plug on. It can't be damn hard. I'd figure out how to do it. And then I would do it. It was a tractor trailer like, Hey, can you do that? I'm like, absolutely. And I had no idea how to do and I just figured out how to do it. So the people would say, Hey, we got a transmission issue. I'm like, I don't know shit about transmissions. So I would work a deal with a local transmission shop, he charged me six 800. And then I would charge the client, you know, 1200 to 14 $100, because that was the going rate for and I just make the middleman markup.

Hubert 10:18

One day, he said, Hey, come on back here, we'll set up one of these invoices You owe me money for. I'm trading, we'll have lunch. I sit next to this guy and wants to make like $30,000 in 18 minutes. And I was like, how did you do that? And he goes, Oh, I'm just trading this and that. And I long story short, I ended up sitting on an upside down trashcan next to this guy. And then I started being an apprentice for him for like 18 months. And in the process, I sold that other business off to a buddy of mine. And then we sold that off the valving. And then I just started trading, and then I've been trading ever since. And then after I made enough money in other businesses and trading, I was also investing in other people's business where either a capital A part of the cashflow, or part of the revenue, right depends on how all the deals are set up differently. Some of what you own the percentage of the ownership and some of you didn't get ownership, but you got a percentage of the cash flow. And that's been doing that ever since and then how I got started in the angel investing stuff. Well, how I actually got started in the trading business was me and another partner of mine got asked by the Chicago Board of Trade to teach people how to trade down minis because that was one of the most popular products that we were trading at the time. And not a lot of people were trading. And we were working for a firm in New York, I think it was called poly capital as hired hired guns for hedge funds and stuff. And they're like, hey, and the CBO. CBOT would come by and ask us like, hey, do you mind doing a couple roadshows and or teaching people how you do this? And right now we're kind of busy. I came back a second time. Third time like I will do, I didn't know that it was not common for you to train on stage in front of people, and just tell them what you were doing. So I didn't have a PowerPoint, I noticed the thing. I was like, Alright, here's what we're going to market. Let's trade these things. We end up making money. And then we got rushed by people in the in the in the audience. And I was like, I'm just asking basic questions on how this works. I was like, okay, went to another talk. We got rushed again. Now luckily, we made money on both of those. If we wouldn't, they would probably like, well, you guys suck. And they ask questions. And they're like, well, how did you know how to do this,

that another thing I'm like, we don't know anything. We're, we've got incomplete information. We're making the best educated guess we can. And I was like, Oh, shit. This is a business like teaching people how we trade for a living, whether we're making money on a day, week, month or year basis, they still need to know how to trade up. So I like being diversified. So if the market is kicking me in the teeth, which it'll do from time to time, I've got my other businesses, if my other businesses are doing good, I don't have to work as hard as trading. Or if I'm killing and trading, I can take some of those profits, and invested in other Angel Angel investing startups, which will pay me out in six to 10 years, and there'll be like a 20x return so I could spread it around. I like being diversified.

Scott 12:54

Yeah, man, so many nuggets, not alone. So like, let's just break this one part down. Right? It sounds to me that there's, there's, I like think about the end game in mind, right. And when I look back on my life, like, there's going to be just opportunities that you either kick yourself in the butt for or you're like, Man, I'm glad I took that it sounds like from from where you started to where you are today is because there was a series of series of events that like presented themselves, and you just went all in and really leaned into that, how much of that do you think is dependent on the success that you've had today? I think

Hubert 13:30

it's important, but you also have to know that going in, you're probably going to be dead broke for the first 1218 months, right? Any business that I've ever started, does not usually start out profitable. Now it does now, because I can leverage off the other assets and kind of make it profitable fairly quickly. There's still gonna be failures along the way, like an angel investing, like, You're lucky if you get two unicorns out of 10. And that's perfect. That's all you really need. But like other online businesses, like for the publisher, or if we're doing a guru business, or if we're doing a trading business, I can make those profitable fairly quickly, because I can just leverage off of the other assets that I have. But you do have to be in the right place at the right time. But you have to be willing to take a risk. And then you also have to be willing to grind it out for 12 to 18 months to test your theory because it's gonna take you a while if you don't have, if you don't have this, if you don't have the chops or the skills, or the knowledge of getting your teeth kicked in a bunch of times, you're just gonna make a lot of mistakes, just like all of us did. Absolutely,

Scott 14:25

absolutely. So let's talk about trading in particular, right? We're kind of we're kind of doing that series right now inside of wealth stacks. And so let's talk about like, if you were and I think like that's kind of what makes trading a little bit different than even, you know, the business from a 12 to 18 months because you could have some success relatively quicker than that inside of trading, right?

Hubert 14:46

You could, especially in a raging bull market like we are right now. Right? I mean, we'v been in a raging bull market for 10 years. It's very easy to make money when it's doing that. And then you also have the popularity of, of Robin Hood and Reddit and the game stops and stuff like that. Only problems going on happens to a lot of retail traders is they're going to get ran over when it rolls over, right? Because right now they think it only goes up. So the first thing I would do is I would say don't use margin, the margin is basically leverage on alone. Okay? Let's say you have Well, a couple things like if you start out in the stock market, it's not bad. But if you don't have $25,000 or more to put in a stock trading account, or an options account, they're gonna flag you for this call this thing called a day paid day, trader pattern rule. Alright, that's the terminology, which basically means you can only do two to four trades every four or five days, or they're gonna say

flag him as a day trader, don't let him trade more than three or four, three or four or five times a week, right? That could be a good thing, like if you over trade that can save you. But if you're missing out on opportunities, because you're stuck in that trade, because you can't get out of it. That's another thing. So if you're gonna start with stocks, you need more money. Now you can start with options requires less money, but they're still gonna flag you with that stuff, potentially, right? I like trading stocks outright. And then I also love futures, because futures, you can start out with 1000 to $3,000. And they're already leveraged without you taking any margin out. So like $1,000 account, you can trade, you can control $100,000 worth of stuff for $1,000. That's pretty good. You just have to know it cuts both ways. If you're wrong. It's gonna wipe that account out fairly quickly. So you better be wrapped, right? So if you were to start with like, 1000 $3,000, I would say futures, just because they're so leveraged, but you got to know what you're doing in order to do it. Yeah,

Scott 16:29

yeah. So one thing that you are known for is your success and your strategy inside of bonds, right? What like, how did you find that hack where you know, that you've been able to build, you know, a business around that.

Hubert 16:44

I mean, just like everything else, I was trading everything else, I met a successful bond trader on the floor. I was asking him how he did it. And he shared some of these techniques with me. And I started doing it the how it actually become a success than it is right now is because a lot of people were trading the E minis. Or they were trading stocks and are like, Hey, I'm just getting chewed up. I don't this is I'm trading e minis like the Dow, s&p, NASDAQ and the Russell, I'm not really making any money, these commissions are chopping me up. So one thing I would do, if you're listening to this, you should lease a seat, it's one of the best kept secrets on Wall Street. If you trade futures, you should be leasing a seat, you could lease a seat for $25, it's gonna knock down your commissions by 30 to 40%. And as long as you're not on a known parish list somewhere, they'll give you one. It's very simple. And I thought it's very simple. Tons of people just don't know about it, cuz they're not in the know. And then a lot of people were losing money or are just turning their account on the indexes. I was like, have you guys ever traded bonds because they're slow, they're methodical. But once they're in a trend, they're fairly, they're easier to trade. And there's no such thing as easy in any financial markets. And there's no guarantees whatsoever, because it's financial markets. But I think I have like either 200 or 400, testimonials from people taking bonds. And they always

thanked me like, Hey, this is great. This is the greatest market. Thanks for teaching me the strategies. And I swear to you, the techniques and the strategies that I teach around bonds are not revolutionary at all, what happens is you're taking someone from a market that they're struggling with, and you're putting them in something that fits their personality and their style. So they don't have to make a split second decision, split second decision every two seconds and freaking out about it. That's awesome. You can, the cool thing about is on bonds, this is just sexy is one of the trades that we do is you can risk $156.32 to potentially make $1,000 or more. And when I say $1,000 or more, I have one where I've done it, where I've made $7,000 on that trade, hey, guys stay in it overnight for a couple of weeks. But you only had to risk this amount of money to make that amount of money, right? So the cool thing about it is everybody in the trading niche or whether you're a real trader, or guru, or an educator, I don't really care, you are going to be wrong more than you are right. So is Buffett, right? Everybody's, so if you don't have a small risk for basically an unlimited return, you're playing at a severe disadvantage, in my opinion. So I would start out, try to figure out a market that fits your personality first. And then make sure you have really good risk reward ratios. That way, if you're wrong, more than you're right, like everybody else, myself included, and usually still be able to make some money.

Scott 19:12

So I want to double down on this because like, yet again, as a I'm not a trader, right? I'm a I'm a business man. If someone if someone gave me the opportunity to, you know, invest $100 make 1000 I'm gonna take that deal all day long. And so can you speak to that a little bit more? So let's say someone had someone's listening right now, whether they're new to trading, maybe they've done some trading. Maybe they're a veteran trader at this point in other markets, whether they have $1,000 5000 or $10,000. And they want to get started in bonds. What What would be your next step process for them?

Hubert 19:50

Alright, so first you got an up account, you can open up anywhere TradeStation infinity futures thinkorswim interactive brokers, almost everybody out there will offer you a futures trading account. Then you're gonna have to get permission to trade bonds, you won't be able to trade the 10 year note, and the 30 year bond, I would start with a 10. Year first, okay? It's just simpler, easier to trade. It's not as the range is not so wide, and it's not as volatile. But it's nice, cool, calm and collected. And once it gets trending, it'll kind of tend to go in that same direction. So one of the things, I'll just break down one trade for you. So one trade, we call an eight tick reversal. And this is very complicated. I mean, you might not even be able to do it. So what you do is you figure out if it's going up, or if it's going down. So right now they're going down. But let's use the examples up because most people think Long's they don't think short. The bond market was in a major uptrend, okay. And here's how you figure that out. Right now, the bonds are rolling over, because we're at historic lows for interest rates, as the interest rate goes up, the bond market is going to go down. So currently, right now we're shorting them, okay. And we're holding them as we're as they're breaking lower. And unless you think that interest rates are going to stay down here for a very long time, which I don't think they will, I think they're going to start gradually inching up, the bond market will continue to lower. Now for our example, we're going to think of the reverse just because it's easier for most people's minds. So let's say I'm gonna, I'm gonna pull up the 30 year here. And Alright, so right now, let's say that the bonds were trading at right now they're at 156, and 2830 seconds, they trade in fractions, don't let that freak you out, that's just the numerator, that's just the number that they're trading

from. So they're going to go from 156 2930 seconds, to 159 3030 seconds to 156 3130 seconds. So you see, a 32 ticks is going to be one full point, that's $1,000. So once you've got them in an uptrend, you're just gonna let them go for a little bit. And then what you're going to do is you're going to count from the top tick, on whatever timeframe you want, you're gonna count back eight ticks, you're gonna go 12345678, you're going to put a buy stop there, you're gonna let the market come to your buy, stop your place the order, and you're going to use either an osio or an O. So it just means one sins, other or one cancels other, you're going to use a five tick stop loss down here. So you're in here, your stop losses here, and your target is wide open. So if you get tagged into the into the trade, you're you're in, you're risking $156, if you get stopped out, you just lost $156 if you don't get stopped out, you're probably gonna make 1000 right? or more. Now, this train only works 30 to 40% of the time, heads up, it's only going to work once. If it works, once you break even to you're in the money, three, you're doing quite well for you're killing it. Yeah, that's not work 80% of the time, like somebody else's stuff that they say online works 92% of the time, and I never lose, I've never been able to figure out that shit ever. I don't know how they say this stuff.

Scott 22:47

Oh, that's, that's awesome. So you're saying like not only not only like, Man, that that risk reward is awesome. But you only have to be right four out of 10 times and you're in the money,

Hubert 22:58

you don't even have to be rough four out of 10 times, you could be three out of 10, you could actually be two out of 10 times and still making cash. And you don't need any special indicators. You just need to know what symbol to trade on the 30. year, the 10 year, how it kind of moves around a little bit. And if you can count that eight, eight, and I may have to do it on two hands, because I'm from Kentucky, but then you wait for the pullback Place your trade ahead of time, five tick stop loss, which is $150 loss potential, and then an open heart. And it

Scott 23:30

is really complicated. I like it. I like it a lot. So and maybe just kind of covered this. But in your opinion then right? Like, what is the main benefits of trading bonds compared to other markets? Right now they're

Hubert 23:43

trending. So your job as a professional trader, if you're trying to do this as a hobby, and you're trying to go professional, you really have two or three jobs you do. Number one is you've got to manage risk. Number two, you should be able to find new trends or well established trends. And you're just you're just recognizing patterns that happen over and over and over again, a lot of people will tell you that history repeats itself. I don't really think it's history repeats itself. I think that humans repeat themselves. I don't

think it's a history thing. I think we all die off. We don't share the lessons with the new crew coming in. And then they do the same mistakes that we did. So it's like, history doesn't repeat itself. It's the same little dumb monkeys that we are continuing to do the same mistakes. So that's what I would do.

Scott 24:30

I love that. Um, okay, so, like our level, right, like, and I know, you know, you've paid 1000s and 1000s of dollars being a mastermind, sometimes 20 30,000. And it's not so much sometimes for the next hack. It's really about learning what not to do, right and like sometimes at this point where we're at seeing a mistake in the future actually makes us more money or saves his mind than what we would from investing into like the next big tactic that's outright Let's talk about if you can share with me what is either the biggest mistake that if you could have that one back, you'd love to do, whether that's business. And then the second one would be like, what is one trade that you wish you could have back that that like kind of haunt you.

Hubert 25:17

I mean, I wish I would have done the classic Warren Buffett exercise that I've got my kids doing right now, right? Like, I've already started all my kids up their own individual index, total stock market index fund at Vanguard, I wish I'd have done that at 18. But I just didn't know. I mean, that's the easiest trade in the world, like, you don't wanna do some crazy shit that we're talking about here. That's risky. Just throw you some money in in a total stock market index fund and Vanguard, and just never look at it. And then over the span of 20 3040 years, if you just add to it month, after month, after month, you'll be sitting on a couple million dollars. I mean, that's, I wish I would have done that. I wish I would have got into trading earlier. And I really wish I would have got into business and angel investing earlier, I just wish I would have done it earlier. Because the quicker you get in the game, the quicker you can potentially compound this stuff on top of each other. I think you should always take calculated risk, but you don't have to take, you don't have to risk the whole the whole house on your calculated risk. Overall, I'm pretty conservative. And I have three different buckets of risk that I kind of like to play with super conservative indexes, right? Then the business stuff and the trading stuff is the middle risk. And then the super risky stuff is the day to day stuff inside the markets day trading or swing trading and stuff like that, and kryptos and stuff like that, like right now, a lot of people don't understand, like, you know how much money you would have in your account, if you just taken a $100 risk on Bitcoin 10 years ago, it'd be worth several million dollars right now. And it would only cost you $100. All of us right now is like, Dear God, I wish I could time travel and put 100 or $1,000 on it and just light it on fire and never think about it again. Right? Some of us have some positions in Bitcoin, but we don't have it since it's 10 years ago, right? Yeah,

Scott 27:00

yeah. And so, you know, to kind of wrap this up, if you were if you lost everything tomorrow, okay, everything. Which man? You know, they come in and they take the shuffleboard table that I was lucky enough to beat your butt on a couple of times. What would you do to start like stacking your wealth over

this next year, I'm on a one year, three year five year plan, if you if you lost everything today, what would be your plan?

Hubert 27:31

First, I'd ask for two more days to think about this. So I could really scheming out like the old adage of gimme, if I got to chop a tree down, give me seven hours to sharpen the axe and two hours to cut it down whatever the analogy is, I would try to think it out through strategically right. And after I get my plan or my scheme to kind of take over the world since I'm dead poor, right? I would then I would probably go work for someone else real quick, someone that would be successful in the surrounding area. And I would work in the weekends on my side hustle to figure out what I'm going to do. And I would try to figure out who is the wealthiest person in my area and see if I can go help them do something, right? If I can show them that I could put more money in their pocket, they can probably teach me what they're doing. As I'm doing that, I would always try to be figuring out where is my interest at not my passion. Like I said, I'm passionate about eating pizza and watching Lord of the Rings on Netflix, right? And nobody's gonna pay me for that. But if you could figure out something that you were interested in, that will hold your interest for a long time, you can probably turn it into a business, one of the best hacks in the world is watch Dirty Jobs, Dirty Jobs. A lot of people don't know this, but 75% of those cats are multimillionaires, on Dirty Jobs. Nobody else wants to do that crazy shit that they do. But sucking out a septic system. If it puts eight fingers in your pocket, what does it really matter? I would laugh all the way to the bank just sucking out septic systems and stuff. I would start there. And then I would figure out like how to turn that into a business. And then I would just leverage that on the next thing and leverage that on the next thing and take a portion. I would start with business first. Because I always think that business is your best return. Because you're betting on yourself, whether that's in an actual business, an online business or investing as an angel. And then I would do the trading and investing thing probably second. But a lot of people right now they like it because there's new trading apps like Robin Hood, and we win all that good stuff. And they're letting them do fractional shares. It makes sense. Just be careful on that stuff. Because you know, you had the Robin Hood thing, they weren't really liquid, and they got in a little trouble or Latin or people you can sell but you can't or you can buy or you can't sell whatever they did to him. It'd be tough though. I mean, you would and then I would do that and just leverage that off. And I would do the exact same thing that I did. The other style, I would just try to get out of the labor jobs quicker rather than slower. But man, I think it's how you I think it's how you learn how to grind it out, right? Yeah. When I was looking at when I was working at labor world and couldn't rub two people Together, and it's me and all the other labor workers going to clean out a factory, or a frame shop or clean out Toyota, like I was getting paid minimum a little bit better than minimum wage. But that just tell that just makes you like, say, I don't want to do this shit for the rest of my life, and you figure out like, there's got to be another way to make money, and then you'll just figure it out. But you do have to be interested in it, you don't have to love it, there's tons of stuff. Hell, I don't love, probably 70% of the stuff I do, I probably love 30% of it. But the other 70 percents gotta be done, or it's not gonna work. I agree.

Scott 30:31

Like, just to to add on to that I think like work ethic is, especially in like, this culture that we're trying to use, like, less is more. And I think like the big separation that's gonna happen is that old school, just grind it out and, and hustle. Because like, the passion is going to happen at some point, something's going to

click. But like, that's really what was the common denominator for me, I felt like that separated me for those like, years that I was on the come up before it clicked was I was willing to put in that extra shift like there was, there was one time where I was, I think I was like 19 years old. And I was trying to figure out what I was going to do next. And I just went into this like crazy work mode, where I was working at UPS at like three o'clock till like eight o'clock in the morning. Then I was working at Applebee's doing the like morning shift. And then I was working at the radio station in the afternoon. And like, I just felt like man, like, if I'm, if I'm working, something's gonna happen. And each time like something would open up. And sure enough, you know, one thing led me to the other. And, and what it really taught me was, you know, the discipline side of things, because even today, right in our business, like there's times where it just gets hard. It just is like, we don't always have the answers. But I think without having that those past experiences, you now have a farmer to just punch through. And you know, like at some point like, hey, look, the answer is going to come. But I got to keep going through my process of that. You know, playbook, a playbook B playbook. See. But if you don't create that playbook by putting in the work now, then you've got nothing. I agree with you. I

Hubert 32:09

think one of my pet peeves is when people ask me for business advice. I'm like, Look, just do something. I don't even really give a shit what is just do something like don't play business. Don't I got to design my logo, I got to come up with a name. I got to get stationery and a business cards. That's great. You're playing business? How about you go sell something first? Right? Let's let's do minimum viable product. I think I think one of the best ways if you can teach if you can, if I had to do it all over again, I wish I would have done a door to door sales job. If you could go door to door. I think you can sell anything. Right? So then I think that just helps you. And it's got to be a good product, right? You can't sell crap. It's got to be a good product. But that just teaches you how to eat or take a heater to the forehead 200 times a day, or how to just eat shit, right? It's the it's the Shawshank Redemption test. If you're not willing to crawl through however many yards of shit and do fraying, crawl through heads up, you're probably not going to make it as an entrepreneur, and the markets are going to actually rip your face off. And it's all hard. It's not easy. But man if you can figure it out. I mean, it's it's quite lucrative, if you can figure it out. I guess

Scott 33:13

my biggest like skills that I got was my time back at at&t. I did the I did the Yellow Pages. My adopted dad worked for Rh Donnelley, which was like a big competitor. And so like I had a lot of ends and so I was like, man, like I don't want I want to go earn it. And so I went and worked for the competitor Ryan's back, man, I'm gonna make my my adopted dad proud. And so I went to work for at&t. And like, one, the training was intense, it was 12 weeks, every week, you had to take a test. And if you failed that test, they sent you home. And so like, I started the class with 25 people only 20 people graduated the last two

weeks they put you in a market they give you x amount of dollars for your book, you got to not only resell that X amount, but you also got to increase it by 10% in that two week period. And like just the craftsmanship and it's one one call clothes that you're on and so like they brought in x FBI director to teach us like how to figure out someone's personality how to mirror people and and build that rapport as quickly as possible. And that's really where I got the chops that I think from Okay, well that's how I can go get a conversion. And like I was running I ran about a million dollar book of business for the I was in

Orlando so took one that's like their top four market. But like I think from there is where I really learned like, Oh my gosh, if I can do this on a one on one basis, and like you're talking like pretty big contracts like anywhere from like a $20,000 a year contract to, you know, 100 $150,000 and like you have literally one hour with that person to close them on $100,000 deal. You got to move fast. You got to be effective,

Hubert 34:52

too, though, but back in the Yellow Pages when they would come in and solicitor's like what are you going to put on a billboard in the Yellow Pages how How would people find you so it's a really good business model back in the day,

Scott 35:03

I know. So like I was in a right when it was still kind of pretty good, but then they were just getting into digital. And so we'd leverage one of the two. And like one of the, one of the best closes I ever had where like, I just gripped my nuts. I think this is a lesson that I think people can take away from his, this was either gonna make or break my book, this guy had been putting me off, put me off, and he had a full page. And so like it was a good percentage of my book at that point. And so I went in, he said, I, I want complete out the book. And so the proposals that we pay, it's like, make it so that, hey, look, if you just did digital, you're gonna pay three times what you would pay if you still did the book and the digital, right. And so like, he just wasn't budging. And so I ripped his ad out of the book. And I said, Alright, well, this is what the books gonna look like this year, because my buddy, he's way better at this than I am. I'm just like a smock, I'm just learning this. And so he's going to go sell this guy right here, that's only got a half page, that's going to be a full page here. This one that's going to be a full page. And so you're not going to be in the book at all. And so I need you to sign off on this. Because there's no going back. Once it's printed, it's printed. And I need to cover our butt because you're about to lose a lot of business and, and there's going to be emotions tied. And so can you just sign here, and

like I just Shut the f on that part, right. And inside, my heart was pounding. And I slid it over with the book. And I put the contract on the other side. And so all he saw was his competitor that that was there that he was ahead of. And I swear to God, it felt like the longest like 30 seconds of my life, but it's our with, well, maybe we can maybe we can do something. Maybe I can be like a core painter or a happy

Hubert 36:53

mother. It was a bad decision if he said no, because he would have been out of business. Because back in the day, if you didn't have an ad in the Yellow Pages, how are people gonna find you? word of mouth? And that'd be about it. Right? Yeah, Google back in the day. Even when it went online. It was crappy, right? Yep. Yep. Awesome, man.

Scott 37:09

Crazy. Crazy, man. It's not until you look back where you're like, Oh, my gosh, like the dots all start connecting. And like, that's what I'm that's what I think like one of the biggest value bombs you draw was like, you just got to start, right? Like, you got to do something.

Hubert 37:23

You got to make decisions, and you get really effective at making decisions. The The thing that I wish I was better at is I suffered from perfection syndrome a lot. Well, it's got to be perfect, or I don't want to do it. Or I'd really suffer from that now, my friend. Yeah, or, you know, I got to do enough research to make sure I'm picking the perfect tool or the perfect, whatever. I love research, because it's my way to go down a rabbit hole of not making a decision, right? But the longer you do it, the quicker you get out and like I let's just say this is me, may not be right or wrong. If we're wrong. We'll figure it out. We'll choose the other thing three months from now.

Scott 37:56

Yeah. Yeah. Like no decision is a decision. And I think that's what I've learned from like management as well is that it's not about making a wrong or right decision. It's about like having the courage to just make a decision, stick with it, and then not having the ego to like if you're wrong, like, you know whether that plays out a week from now, three months from now, like, Okay, look, it was the wrong decision. I'm gonna learn from that. Let's move forward and keep going.

Hubert 38:23

I agree. I agree. I mean, it's really raw, I've paid somebody much some large amounts of sums to masturbate to masterminds, excuse me, is to learn from other people's success, like, you know, hey, I'm thinking about doing this. We're like, Okay, well, don't do this. And this and this, because that's really gonna end in a horrible disaster before because I've already done it four times, you're like, thank you. That's really why you pay for and then the other stuff is like, they'll teach you how to leverage level up your game and whatever you're trying to level up in. But it's really just avoid other people's mistakes.

Scott 38:50

Yeah. So what I'm super excited for is this summer, I'm actually going to we're trying to come and spend the summer in Kentucky so I can be around you a lot more and also, we've got some really exciting things happening inside of our businesses at this point. And so what I'm really hoping is this summer to do some mini classes with you, I'd love to show like a mini class of this workshop if you will on bonds, and then also with your angel investing if we could do like a mini series together. For for the viewers and the subscribers. I think that would be amazing. In the meantime, if someone wants to know more about what you do and where they can start following you, you want to give a shout out to some of your links.

Hubert 39:33

You can just go to Hubert centers calm My name is spelled super weird. It's h u b e RT s e n t e RS Hubert centers with an S and S in the front and the back. You can look me out there and just there'll be they'll probably be a way that you can opt into a video newsletter I put out a a trading video Monday through Friday, five days a week are usually one to two minute videos just taking a look at like hey, let's take a look at this. This will probably go higher. This might go And just keeps everybody informed on what I think's going on in the market and how I'm approaching it. And I'll show you some winning trades. I'll show you some losing trades, the good the bad warts and all, like, I'm not a guy that gets it right 100% of time, because heads up nobody else is. And I'll just, you'll know, if I'm making money, if I'm losing money and heads up, sometimes the market kicks me in the teeth, just like it kicks everybody in the teeth, and you'll see it in in real time and in real life. But that's the best way to kind of get on our daily videos would be that way. Yeah.

Scott 40:31

All right. And then what I'm gonna do for everybody that's listening today is I know, you actually have a workshop that teaches bonds, does it cover the whole strategy of risking 100 to make 1000? It does.

Hubert 40:43

I think it's a it's a about an hour long. It's a mini workshop. And we cover at least one and sometimes two techniques. But I've found it's more effective to teach one than two because I can go deeper on the one that I came to. And then we obviously have a bond trading bootcamp masterclass that we that we teach after that, but the mini classes like, Hey, here's a trade that you can do. And oddly enough, I've had several people go, Hey, I made $2,000, on that trade that you just did on that webinar. I'm gonna sign up for the bootcamp. And so that's how we use that. Awesome, I'm

Scott 41:17

gonna grab the link, then if you don't mind and share that with everybody get a chance to come to that training. Because like, get again, I know for for me as a business or if you're new to trading, then if you can risk 100 make 1000 you're in a pretty like whether that takes you 30 days, 60 days. Heck, even if that takes you a year to go learn that skill, it's probably worth it.

Hubert 41:39

I think it's definitely worth it. I mean, and you don't have to have an enormous amount of money, money to do that. And just think you only have to be right, three or four times, you know, or I should say, yeah, three or four times out of 10 and you'll be covered as long as you're right 30% of time you should make money. I love it.

Scott 41:54

I love it. Hubert I can't thank you enough for being here today. I look forward in the summer to Lincoln up and doing some of these mini workshop series with you,

Hubert 42:03
Scott. Thanks for having me, man.

Scott 42:04
I appreciate it. Anytime my friend